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Nero32 • 1 year ago

Boy, Kaguya is sure harsh and trying to be edgy too.

And his deck is really bad news for Subaru that's for sure. Well, it seems we gonna have a rematch in the future.

Liked the episode in general.

"Subaru - I'm pathetic."
That's sad. and completely untrue. Subaru self loathing cause his high expectations. hopefully the brothers can overcome this gross nonsense their family put into their heads.

SkyNatsu • 1 year ago

Omg his little brother is strong

Alisson Johns • 1 year ago

Ok so, I'm guessing that while Subaru was put aside bc he "couldn't live up to his family's expectations", Kaguya was forced to become better and better or smt like that? He seemed kinda resentful of Subaru but i don't think Kaguya hates him.

Anyway, don't tell me that all of them are going to lose against every shadow. What would be the point in that? We already know they're strong :<

Also, there are like 6 episodes left, i don't think we have enough time for these battles when we need info about Arc and the other important stuff... We'll need a 3rd season otherwise and although I'm not against the idea, I hope they don't change protagonists again. I like Subaru an the others way more than I did Hiro and his group :\

Nero32 • 1 year ago

Why do you think there is only 6 episodes left? I can assume they have a bit more episodes for us, if they have time for our MC to lose now.

Alisson Johns • 1 year ago

Didn't season 1 get only like 48 episodes? But you're right, idk exactly how many episodes there are left. I sure hope more than 6

Shadow Moon • 1 year ago

should be more than that considering we have yet to even see one of the duel monster spirits digifriends become a legendary follower.

Alisson Johns • 1 year ago

Yeah but they awfully rushed everything in season 1 so I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same here :[

Vianee Perez • 1 year ago


Kaguya's animosity towards Subaru being a façade was within my expectations. I love brother complexes in anime so much ❤

howlingwolfjoey • 1 year ago

Wow, Subaru plays like an idiot that he could've actually won the fight. But "plot suddenly demands it because reasons". Like wtf? firstly, his Ghastly Banishment Enhance should've activated with how many cards he banished with a 1+ atk boost. And he could've play it twice and win. But even without the Enhance, he should've played Bakiruus first, then destroy, then play Ghastly Banishment 2 times and win. Subaru could've actually won there. But of course plot didn't want him to. fml. theres so much errors there. Subaru should've won the fight.

EDIT: OK, I made an error. Anime only boosted 2 random ghosts. So, what he should've did is: Summon Bachkiru and then spam Ghastly Banishment until the PP reaches 0 and the total result will be 15 damage.

Azatora • 1 year ago

He didn't have enough PP to play Ghastly Banishment Enhance and also Ghastly Banishment anime works differently from the game. It didn't summon extra ghost unlike in the game. The misplay that I see is that he should have one pp left to play the second Banishment but it will only give him 2 more damages so the result still won't change

howlingwolfjoey • 1 year ago

I know the difference and I know how it works. Youre speaking to a Shadowcraft main here. Also, he played a 7PP cost creature on the last turn. So rn his PP should be 8. And like I said, even if he couldn't use Banishment's Enhance, he could've won by having 4 Ghosts first and boost all of them and have either Coco or Mimi last and win. So yeah, that's a gigantic misplay.

Azatora • 1 year ago

He needs to play Bachelus+Conversion to draw Banishment (3 pp). Mimi+Coco (2 pp). Play Bachelus from last word (1 pp). Play Banishment 2 times (2 pp). It's exactly what he did in this episode except minus 1 Banishment. If he played the second Banishment Kaguya is still left with 1 HP

howlingwolfjoey • 1 year ago

He didn't play 2 Banishment. He only played 1 on the last turn. Bach: 8 - 6pp. Conversion: 6 - 5pp. Banishment: 5 - 4pp. Bach: 4 - 3pp. and Coco + Mimi: 3 - 1pp. He did not use the extra banishment on top of it. What I meant in this strategy was he didn't wait until he has all 4 ghosts was on the field, he rushed it. If he had waited and use 2 Banishments until after he has the field full, all of his Ghosts would've gotten a 3 ATK and won. 4 Ghosts, 1 ATK each x 2+ ATK from 2 Banishments boost for every Ghosts on the field + 1 non-boost Ghost + Coco+Mimi = 17 damage. Done. He won.

Azatora • 1 year ago

Rewatching Subaru vs Fuwari, he definitely said that Banishment only gives attack to 2 Ghosts, not all. So in this case he's correct to save Banishment

Azatora • 1 year ago

You mistook my comment. I said "It's exactly what he did in this episode EXCEPT minus 1 Banishment" which mean he's able to use the second Banishment but he did not. I didn't say "he played second Banishment". So from your comment, the lethal is that Banishment gives +1 to all ghosts. But are you sure Banishment's effect is giving +1 to ALL ghost, because from this episode, I thought it's only giving to 2 ghosts

howlingwolfjoey • 1 year ago

I looked up and you're right. It only boosts 2 random in the anime. So my alt plan was play Bach, and then spam Banishment until the PP goes to 0 since and then use the boosted Ghosts and win.

MegaRyuki • 1 year ago

Does the banishment effect triggers every end turn ?

howlingwolfjoey • 1 year ago

Only with Enhance, which he didn't do.

Dark Gil • 5 months ago

He can't since he played Bach and conversion to draw the banishment. Bach is 2 and I don't remember the cost of conversion but Bach already made it impossible to play banishment at turn 8

Dark Gil • 5 months ago

Divine Contractor's intro was amazing.
I can't wait to play this (banish/control/no Evo?) Haven deck in the game in the future

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

He taking another step forward. He take the lost well.

PicHor • 1 year ago

their prev relationship looked good if they were sneaky like that. xD